Sunday, October 26, 2008

Current event #6

Status Uncertain
The uncertainty over in the Middle East is looming over this presidential election. We have worked for the past eight months to plan to leave Iraq. The presidential election here and over in Iraq is placing even more pressure to finalize the plan and have a fall back plan in case everything does not go according to plan. Rival Shiites are rebelling even more nowadays with the new plan up for ratification. Shiite leaders, including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, know very well that Iraq needs continued support from U.S. troops but they also know that taking a public stand in favor of a continued American presence could cost them heavily at the polls, and in Tehran. The United Nation’s plan suggests that all troops will be pulled out of Iraq by January 1st 2009. Iraq officials are wary about this idea and hope to ask for more time for help from our troops. As it stands, the "status of forces" agreement appears reasonable. It calls for U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraqi cities by July and to leave the country by the end of 2011. But it makes the timeline conditional on the readiness of Iraqi forces to take over and allows for an extension of the final withdrawal date if the Iraqi government requests it. The next president may be better positioned to seal an accord with Iraq, but he should not have to inherit a crisis over the status of American forces there. I believe America should follow the plan that we have now but, try to please the Iraqi government while we are in their country. We started this “war” we need to end it responsibly.

Election Post Week 3

For the 10th congressional district in Virginia The democratic nominee is Judy Feder and the Republican nominee is Frank Wolf.
Judy Feder holds a B.A. from Brandeis University and received her Master's in 1970 and Ph.D. in 1977 from Harvard University in political science. She is Co-Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at Georgetown University School of Medicine. She has been working from the beginning of her career to make healthcare more affordable for the citizens of the united states. Judy's husband, Stan, is a former intelligence analyst for the CIA who spent more than 20 years working to reform the intelligence community and now occasionally teaches analysis for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Feder's main focus is health and health policy for all Americans.
Frank Wolf has represented Virginia for 26 years now and is the oldest memeber of the house. He received his B.A. degree from Penn State University in 1961 and his law degree from Georgetown University in 1965. Congressman Wolf has been involved in nearly every major transportation improvement in the region over the last 25 years, from helping obtain funding for the original 103-mile Metrorail system to improvements on critical commuter routes such as I-66, Route 50, Route 7 and the George Washington Parkway. He is presently working to bring mass transit out the Dulles corridor to Loudoun County and to establish a Bus Rapid Transit system on I-66 outside the Beltway. He has worked on anti-gang policies and police forces, and has made a small but significant difference. Congressman Wolf also has a long record of speaking out for the persecuted around the world and is considered one the leading crusaders in Congress for human rights. He has traveled the world to call attention to human rights abuses and religious persecution around the globe.

Polls have shown Wolf with a slight advantage over Feder but, cannot definitely say that Wolf will win the election. This year the sights are changing and Virginia is starting to turn blue.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Current Event #4

I decided to do another editorial this week but it was all about the election and how the candidates are not really promoting themselves but more attacking their opponent and how neither of the candidates can have the perfect answer on how to fix a certain issue in the United States. I completely agree with this article. One of the best things that a presidential candidate could do would be to admit that he is not perfect. Sarah Palin has shown that she is not perfect in any regard but people still call her a "strong woman" and still support her. Also people expect way too much from these presidential candidates. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE ALL OF THE ANSWERS! Yes they both have plans to fix the economy but that doesnt mean that either of them or going to work or one is better than the other. These presidential candidates have some of the most challenging problems to face when they are elected into office. I just hope they can handle it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Current event #3

Editorial: Earth Aboil
This editorial is all about how much carbon we as human beings are spewing into our atmosphere. It also talks about how we have raised the temperature of our earth between two and three degrees in the past two years. Yes, this is another global warming editorial all about how we are killing our world and in turn killing ourselves.
Carbon gases that are released into the atmosphere attach themselves to the ozone molecules and create the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect actually is a very small player in global climate Human's did not because the greenhouse effect, but certain critics such as this one, agree that the human population has added to the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Ninety-five percent of the greenhouse effect is due solely to natural water vapor. Of the remaining 5%, only 0.2% to 0.3% of the greenhouse effect is due to emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases from human sources. If we are in fact in a global warming crisis, even the most aggressive and costly proposals for limiting industrial carbon dioxide emissions would have an undetectable effect on global climate.
Finally the author of this editorial spoke about how the United States need to lead by example to fix this problem. Personally, I think that some other country should step up and take action to help in fixing it. Why not have countries like China or Russia, who are other world powers, start this new era of carbon free energy? Yes the climate is changing but it has been changing since eighteen thousand years ago, when the earth finally stated its warming period from the ice age. Whether you think that humans are the reason for global warming and killing us all, or if you believe that it is just a natural process that the world is going through and that we had no influence on it, you need to look at both sides of the story. We have such a large impact on our environment, there is no true way to know if this global warming period is because of us or not, but if it is we should find a way to help reduce our carbon footprint.

Monday, October 6, 2008

CE #2

A rebellion in the House killed a $700 billion rescue plan for the nation's financial system Monday September 29th, sending global stock prices plunging, prompting fierce recriminations on the presidential campaign. The Dow dropped over 750 points and the citizens are in utter disbelief and you can hear the beginnings of an uproar. A congressional vote has almost never caused such high drama and produced such immediate repercussions, directly from the House floor to the trading floor. Wall Street traders huddling around television screens watched lawmakers denounce the bailout legislation, and then sent the Dow plummeting. Stocks had recovered somewhat by the time the vote was gaveled to a close, but jittery investors sent them plunging again as Republicans and Democrats took turns blaming each other for the defeat. In a few hours, $1.2 trillion in paper wealth was wiped out. In the middle of the presidential campaign, the collapse of the deal left Washington buzzing and parties blaming one another for the failure of the economy. Republicans initially blamed Pelosi, saying her floor speech “poisoned the atmosphere and invited partisan retribution.” When really very few were actually there to hear the speech that she made. Republican leaders backed away within hours, conceding they never had the votes they had promised. Democrats found strength in numbers, saying nearly two-thirds of their members voted for the bill. They continued to say how unbelievable it was that the republicans only had 65 votes to pass their own bill. If anyone is to blame for a record sell-off on Wall Street, it should be them. One sign of this is that no representative in McCain’s home state of Arizona voted for the bill. Personally I think that this is ridiculous. What was the point of McCain “putting off his campaign” if the bill wasn’t even going to be passed by his own party. The Congress will try to come to a compromise over the next couple of days but I do not think they will come to an agreement. This article and the action of not passing the bill also show how much power George W. Bush has lost in the house and with his own party members. As Pelosi said, “what happened today cannot stand.” If it does then our economy is just going to go further down the drain and finally reach the sewers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Election Post Week 2

What is the most important issue our country is facing right now? Well that's an easy one. THE ECONOMY!! Our economy is falling to pieces and we're floundering to try to pick them up and put it back together before everything shatters and is unrepairable. Many ideas of how to fix this have been presented but one, The $700 Billion dollar bill became the most popular. Especially once McCain wanted to, stop his campaign to make sure that this bill got past. The stock market is dropping everyday and the American dollar is losing it's value more and more every week. What really upsets me is that everyone thinks that it is the next Presidents job to fix our economy. I have news for you people, ITS OUR'S AND OUR CONGRESSMEN AND WOMAN'S. I found it hilarious that a bill that was presented by the republicans and was supported by John McCain not only got only 63 votes from the republicans NONE of the representatives from McCain's home state voted yes on the bill. Basically we need to find some way to fix our economy soon or its all going down the drain.

As for the debates I really think that McCain made a jerk out of himself. On the other hand so did Obama but, the way that Obama was being a "jerk" could also be taken as showing that he is strong and powerful and is not intimidated byt McCain and whatever he says. Obama is a far superior speaker than John McCain but I believe that the polls came out to about the same after the debate then before the debate. I can not wit for the vice presidential debate tomorrow night to see how much of a fool Sarah Palin makes herself look like.