Thursday, March 12, 2009

Editorial #2

While skimming the Washington Post I came across an editorial called The Balancing Act. This caught my attention so I decided to read on.

I found that this article was all about the economy and how things have changed very much since the Bush Administration was around. Leaders of the Group of 20 nations met in Washington on Nov. 15 and since then President Obama has replaced George W. Bush. A new economic team is in the United States. And the financial crisis that Obama inherited has, intensified. The G-20 finance ministers will be meeting in England this weekend. And they will definitely have their hands full with what is going on today.

It continues to list the problems the group will be facing and how all the different countries should work together to help the economy reach normalcy again. It was a very informal read and I really want to hear what happens at this meeting and what agreements they make.

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