Thursday, March 12, 2009

Editorial #3

The article I read was called, What Left Turn? and It was all about what obama has been doing right and how he has been working on keeping his promises. The author talks about many subjects. On the war in Iraq,ahe says that Obama has, stepped back from his brigade-a-month withdrawal plan and stretched his 16-month departure timetable to 19 months. She continues to defend obama the entire article and say how amazing he is for doing what he is doing. I don't believe this is exactly the correct approach to take because yes Obama has made mistakes, its okay to admit that. He's only human. We can't ask too much of him. She continues to talk about social issues and how Obama has proceeded largely as promised during the campaign. She then talks about his education speech that he made and not only defended him but also criticized other for their opinions. She ends the article by saying " But these are different questions from those about Obama's supposed radicalism. He's doing, or trying to do, what he promised, smoothed out by the real-world demands of governing. How shocking is that?" Basically her overall point is that everyone needs to calm down, Obama will fulfill his promises eventually. Just with the economy today, it takes time.

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